Nicholas Perkins
Parents: Karl and Sandra Perkins
Activities and honors:
FFA, SAFE, Trap Team, Band, Basketball
Favorite memories:
Going to trap meets and hanging out with his friends.
Future plans: Uncertain at this time.
Senior Parents: Mr. O'Brien and Mrs. Bair are in need of your pictures for the Senior Slideshow. Please email your child's baby picture, family picture, senior picture, senior quote, and family tribute to them. Also, if you want to purchase a Family Tribute for the yearbook, contact Mrs. Bair. $25 abair@silex.k12.mo.us and sobrien@silex.k12.mo.us
Emily Weatherford
Parents: Jim and Cathy Weatherford
Activities and Honors: Student Council, National Honor Society, FFA, FCCLA, S.A.F.E., Owls Reward Program, STAR Greenhand, FFA State Leadership award, FFA State Degree, Principal Honor Roll
Favorite Memory: When I worked with the 3rd grade class for A+. I never knew what Shenanigans they were going to pull and they were always making me laugh.
Future Plans: I will be attending State Technical College in the Heavy Equipment Operators program.
William Eugene Mudd III
Parents: Billy and Tosha Mudd
Activities: Basketball, Baseball, FBLA, FFA, NHS, Owls Reward Program
Honors: 2018 & 2019 Baseball District Champs, 2019 Baseball Final Four, Principal's Honor Roll, Player of the Week, Student of the Month
Favorite Memory: The Road to State Baseball
Future Plans: Trey has been accepted to the University of Missouri-Columbia in Mizzou's College of Agricultural, Food and Resources Program (CAFNR).
On Friday, April 10th, Silex High School will be joining thousands of high schools across the US by lighting up the baseball field to honor the seniors at 8:20 pm, which is 20:20 military time. The lights will remain on for 20 minutes and 20 seconds to honor the class of 2020.
If any senior track, baseball, or golf athletes want to take a lap on the track or run the bases one last time feel free to stop by. This is for seniors only. We ask that adults remain on the parking lot or drive by and show their support. Players and Coaches Only on the Field. Please make sure to maintain 6 feet distance at all times. We will make sure we are following CDC guidelines. Stay safe and healthy.
Scott & Kaitlyn Creech
Parents Names: Rick & Rose Creech
Activities: Scott - Baseball, Basketball, FBLA.
Kaitlyn - FFA, FBLA, Owls Reward Program.
Favorite Memory: Scott - Hitting a 3 run homer.
Kaitlyn: Watching Scott hit his home run.
Future Plans: Scott plans to attend American Welding Academy. Kaitlyn plans to attend St. Charles Community College.
Scott & Kaitlyn Creech
Parents Names: Rick & Rose Creech
Activities: Scott - Baseball, Basketball, FBLA.
Kaitlyn - FFA, FBLA, Owls Reward Program.
Favorite Memory: Scott- Hitting a 3 run homer.
Kaitlyn: Watching Scott hit his home run.
Future Plans: Scott plans to attend American Welding Academy.
Kaitlyn plans to attend St. Charles Community College.
Jaclyn Adams
Parents names: Larry & Cynthia Adams
Activities : Cheerleading- state cheer (captain), FFA, NHS, FBLA, Student Ambassador, and Owls Rewards Program
Honors: Principals Honor Roll, Student of the Month, Silex High School Scholar Athlete, Academic All-Conference, All American Cheerleader, and Silex High School Teachers Academic Letter of Excellence
Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is winning 4th place in state for cheer. Even though I wasn’t able to perform with my squad due to an injury, I am very grateful for that experience.
Future Plans: Attending the University of Missouri-Columbia in the fall to major in Nursing.
A Message from Mr. Hamlett
As many of you may know by now, Governor Parson has issued an order for all Missouri schools to remain closed for the remainder of the school year. While we make this announcement with a heavy heart, we do support Governor Parson and his decision. The safety and well being of our students and staff is our number 1 priority and this decision was made with that in mind.
With this decision comes many questions regarding how the next few months will look. We ask you that you remain patient with us as we navigate our way through these uncharted waters.
Here is what we do know: Virtual learning will continue for our students, buildings will remain closed, and our meal pickup will continue.
As we work our way through this, we will communicate with you. Please look for updates on social media as well as emails from teachers and administration. Thank you and have a good evening.
Broadband Assistance Information
Chase Thornhill
Parents: Tim and Angie Thornhill
Activities: FFA Pike Lincoln Tech and NTHS
Favorite Memory: When I won over all best student at Pike Lincoln Tech my junior year and won a Milwaukee cordless impact.
Future Plans: Chase plans to move to Pensacola, FL and attend George Stone Technical College for welding.
Rachel Klein
Scott and Jennifer Klein
Activities and Honors: FFA, NHS, FCA, SAFE, Student Council, Principal's Honor Roll, 3rd Place State FFA Advanced Prepared Public Speaking, FFA Proficiency Award Winner, FFA State Degree, FFA Leadership Award, State FFA Participant in Creedspeaking, Knowledge, Poultry, Division II Public Speaking, and Nursery Landscape.
Favorite Memory: Going to State FFA Convention the past three years and making some of the most incredible memories with some of my favorite people.
Future Plans: I plan to attend the University of Missouri - Columbia and majoring in Animal Science. Upon graduation, I plan to enter the University's Veterinary Program.
Grace Catherine Hudson
Parents: Mike & Chrystel Hudson & Scott & Tracy Langston
Activities: Soccer (team captain), Track, FFA, NHS, FCA, SAFE, Trap Team, Owls Rewards Program, Quiz Bowl Manager
Honors: District Track, Sectionals Track, Academic All Conference, Soccer MVP, District Trap Team, FFA State Degree Recipient, FFA State Participant Equestrian Judging, Lincoln County Player of the Week, Principal's Honor Roll
Favorite Memory: While I have many favorites memories, I was counting on my senior year sports season to be the most memorable.
Future plans: Grace is attending Northwest Missouri State University in the fall to major in Agronomy: Horticulture, specializing in Turf Science.
Thank you to our generous Owls Pals contributors:
Lincoln County Farm Bureau
Missouri Farm Bureau
Madison and Wyatt Demitroff
Chase and Cayden Vehige
Rose Acre Farms
Thank you so much for your donations!!!
It is not too late to reserve a 2019-2020 Yearbook.
All School Yearbooks are $44
Elementary Yearbooks are $15
Please email Mrs. Bair to reserve one at abair@silex.k12.mo.us
Dillon Magill
Parents: Bill & Roxi Magill
Baseball & Stucco Senior Class Vice President
Baseball Final Four (Class 2), District Champs, All District Baseball, National Technical Honor Society
Favorite Memory: Going to Final Four Baseball.
Future plans:
Dillon plans to attend State Tech and become a Medium & Heavy Duty Diesel Technician.
Meal and Owls Pals opportunities for the week of April 6 will be Monday - Thursday from 3:00-5:00 at the high school office. Please note no pick up on April 10 due to Good Friday. Thank you and stay safe!
Brecken James Johnston
Parents: Jamie and Amy Johnston
Activities and Awards : FFA,FBLA , Golf ,NHS . FFA State Championship Trap Team , FFA State Degree, All Conference Golf Team , Principals Honor Roll, Star Agribusiness Management Award, Student of the Month
Favorite memory: Participating and being a part of the 5 time/consecutive state championship trap team . Brecken was able to shoot on the A squad in all these contests . He has become best friends with the squad and is hoping they can keep the tradition going strong.
Future Plans: Brecken has been accepted to the Robert Trulaske School of Business at the University of Missouri Columbia where he plans on majoring in Business/Accounting.
Nico King
Parent’s: Debbie King and Mike Sequeira
Activities and Honors:
Special Recognition All-Conference Art
6 time Poultry Showmanship winner
Future Plans: Nico's plans are still in the air as to where he is attending. Most likely Nico will attend Midwest Welding Institute.
Anthony Thomas Grote
Parents: Tony and Amy Grote
Activities: Baseball, Basketball, FFA Chapter President, Student Council Executive Vice-President, FBLA Treasurer, NHS, Owls Rewards
Honors: Baseball Final Four (Class 2), District Champs, All District, Academic All State, Academic All Conference, Basketball All Conference 2nd Team, MSHSAA Sportsmanship Award, MSHSAA Record Book for Free Throws Made, FFA Chapter Star Farmer, FFA Leadership Award, FFA Forage Production Proficiency Award, FFA State Participant Knowledge and Horse Evaluation, Principal's Honor Roll, Player of the Week
Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is making it to the Final Four in baseball and getting to play at Carshield Field.
Future Plans: Tommy will be attending John Wood Community College in the fall to pursue a degree in engineering. He will be playing baseball for the Trailblazers.