JV Girls Basketball - A game became available tonight with Winfield, so JV Girls will be playing tonight. Game time 5:30 at Winfield. The bus leaves at 4:20. #letsgoowls

Tomorrow is the last day to purchase Valentine Grams!!! $1 per Chocolate Rose, $1 per Crush soda, or $1.75 for both.

*** Snow Routes *** We will run snow routes on Thursday, January 30 both morning and evening. We are hopeful the warmer temperatures predicted for the end of the week will help the conditions of our secondary roads. We will keep you updated. Thank you for your patience.

February Events and Menu

***SILEX R-1 SNOW ROUTES *** Secondary roads remain very slick, so we will run snow routes on Wednesday both morning and evening. Thank you

***SILEX R-1 SNOW ROUTES *** After assessing the secondary roads this morning, it has been determined we will need to run snow routes this afternoon and both morning and evening on Tuesday. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you

***Silex R-1 - With concerns for possible refreezing tonight, we will run snow routes in the morning only on Monday, January 27. Thank you ***

Super Bowl Spirit Week Kicks Off Tomorrow!! Wear Your Crazy Socks to Sock the 49ers!!! 🏈🏈🏈

Pink Out Shirt Orders are due by 8:15 a.m. Monday. Don’t miss out!! 💕🏀💕

Chase Away the Winter Blahs with Super Bowl Week #gochiefs

Pink Out Shirt Orders have been extended to Monday, January 27. Orders and payment must be turned in by 8:15 a.m. Thank you 🏀💕🏀

Elementary Basketball for tonight is cancelled. The games will be played Sunday night with the same times.

The basketball games with Louisiana tonight have been rescheduled for February 17th.

Silex R-1 - No School Friday, January 24 due to inclement weather. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe. See everyone on Monday.

Silex R-1 - No School Friday, January 24 due to inclement weather. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe. See everyone on Monday.

Weather cooperating, Eagle Days is tomorrow. 3rd and 4th grade, don't forget to dress warm. Please make sure you have boots, hats, and gloves. Bring a blanket if possible. Don't forget your sack lunch.

The basketball games tonight with Crossroads have been canceled due to the weather. Also, the campus is closed today and there will be no practices. Stay safe!

No School Thursday, January 23 due to inclement weather.

Middle School Dance is rescheduled for February 7 from 7:00-10:00 in the music room.

FFA Movie Night has been canceled for tonight.