Book Fair Opens Tomorrow! Join us for the Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair being held from May 13th to 15th in the Silex R-1 Library. The book fair will be open at 7:30 each morning and will close at 4:00 each afternoon. Stock up on books for summer reading!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
District Baseball - Silex Owls vs Louisiana 5:00 p.m. on Monday at Silex. Admission is $5. Concession stand will have Brats and Burgers. Come out and show your Owl Pride!!! #OwlsBaseball
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
District Baseball Monday, May 13 $5 Admission Concession Stand will have Brats and Hamburgers #OwlsBaseball #LetsGoOwls
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Happy Mother's Day from Silex R-1
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Don’t forget the FFA Greenhouse Plant Sale continues today from 8:00 - 11:00.
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
FFA Greenhouse is open for business today from 3:00 - 5:00.
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Green house
Join us for the Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair being held from May 13th to 15th in the Silex R-1 Library. The book fair will be open at 7:30 each morning and will close at 4:00 each afternoon. Stock up on books for summer reading!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
2019-2020 Student Council Officers
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
The Silex FFA Greenhouse is open today from 3:00 - 6:00!!!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 FBLA Officers!!!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Class 2 District 13 Baseball at Silex Friday, May 10 VanFar vs Louisiana 2:30 Clopton vs Mark Twain 5:00 Monday, May 13 Silex vs Winner of VanFar/Louisiana 5:00 Paris vs Winner of Clopton/Mark Twain 7:30 Wednesday, May 15 Championship Game 6:00
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
District Baseball
District Baseball @ Silex Friday, May 10 VanFar vs Louisiana 2:00 Clopton vs Mark Twain 5:00 Monday, May 13 Silex vs Winner of VanFar/Louisiana 5:00 Paris vs Winner of Clopton/Mark Twain 7:30 Wednesday, May 15 Championship Game 6:00
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Baseball Update - Wednesday night’s game at New Haven has been canceled and will not be rescheduled. Owls take on Monroe City tonight at 5:00. Senior Night before first pitch. #OwlsBaseball ⚾️🦉⚾️
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations to fourth grader Rylen Jensen. Rylen won the essay and art contest for Missouri FCE (Family and Community Education) at the district level and now for the state of Missouri. Rylen will now move on and compete at the National level. Way to go Rylen. We are so proud of you!!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Ry 2
Yesterday was Nurses Day, and we want to give a shout out to our very own Nurse Marlene and all she does for our students and staff!!!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Student Council Tailgate party is tonight from 3:00-5:00 for grades 7-12. Don't miss out on the fun!!! #GreatDayToBeAnOwl #SeniorNight2019
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Tonight is Senior Night!!! We will honor our Senior Athletes before the baseball game (4:45). #Senior2019
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Owls split today. They lost to Wellsville 4-1 and beat North Callaway 5-4 in 8 innings.
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Many thanks to all of our teachers!!!
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Cheerleading Basket Raffle
almost 6 years ago, Silex Schools