April Academic Award Winners

SAFE Splash Bash

Join us for the Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair being held from May 13th to 15th in the Silex R-1 Library. The book fair will be open at 7:30 each morning and will close at 4:00 each afternoon. Stock up on books for summer reading!

Reminder ... Silex High School Sports Banquet RSVP by Wednesday, May 1 to reserve your seat. Athletes are free. Guests are $12.50 per person.

Student Council Class Officer Elections
Applications due Friday, May 3rd
#studentcouncil #getinvolved

2019-2020 Student Council Executive Officers

The EMO Conference track meet is canceled for today and rescheduled for tomorrow at the same time.

Silex Golf Update - Silex Places 3rd in Districts. Four Silex golfers moving on to Sectionals!!! Congratulations to Nathan Lenk on placeing 10th in Districts!!! Great Job Boys!!!

May Menu

May Calendar

Today's game vs Wellsville is canceled. The game is rescheduled for Monday, May 6th @ 1:00 p.m. @ Wellsville. After the game, the Owls will travel to North Callaway and play there at 5:00 pm.

NHS Blood Drive is Monday! Copy and paste this link into your web browser to schedule your own appointment today!

NHS Blood Drive is Monday! Copy and paste this link into your web browser to schedule your own appointment today!

NHS Blood Drive Monday from 3:00- 7:00.

Splash Bash Friday, May 3

Help Send the Cheerleaders to Camp

Cheerleading Fundraiser

Tailgate Party with Student Council
Thursday, May 2nd
Senior Night 4:45

Don't Forget NHS Blood Drive is Monday, April 29 from 3:00-7:00. Donate and Save A Life!!!

Good Luck to our State Bound FFA Members and Teams!!!! #GreatDayToBeAnOwl #SilexFFA