As of right now, the Sweetheart Dance and Elementary Basketball are still on for tonight. If anything changes, we will let you know.
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Parents: Please remember tomorrow is an early dismissal. We will release students at 12:15 for teacher in-service. School will be in session Monday, Feb. 18 as a snow make-up day. Thank you
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Family Reading Night is Tuesday, February 26th. We will host two guest authors and have several guest readers. Fun, Snacks, Prizes!!! Don't miss out!!
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
reading night
Elementary Basketball starts Friday, February 15 (First two weeks are practice weeks) Kindergarten 5:00-5:50 multipurpose room,1st & 2nd Grade Girls 5:50-7:00 multipurpose room, 1st & 2nd Grade Boys 7:000-8:00 multipurpose room, 3rd & 4th Grade Girls 7:00-8:00 HS gym, 3rd & 4th Grade Boys 8:00-9:00 HS gym
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Don't Miss Out!!! Buy your Yearbook Today!!!
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
MAP Tutoring available to students in grades 3-6
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Sweetheart Dance - We will be monitoring the weather and make a decision Friday about the dance and pass the information along. #nomoresnow
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Junior Parents - After Prom meeting tonight at 6:00. Prom is right around the corner.
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Save the Date!!! Family Reading Night is Tuesday, February 26th from 6:00-7:00. The Book Fair will be open from 5:30-8:00.
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Sweet Heart Dance Friday
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Remember Friday is an Early Dismissal 12:15
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
ALERT - We will run snow routes Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning due to secondary road conditions. Thank you
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
snow route
Reminders: We will dismiss Friday, Feb. 15 at 12:15 for Teacher In-service. School will be in session on Monday, February 18th. This is a snow make up day.
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Katie Owens from The Lincoln Counry Soil and Water Conservation District gave a presentation to 4th grade today. 4th grade will be beginning a "Life in the Soil: Dig Deeper" poster contest
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
ALERT - Silex R-1 will run snow routes this afternoon (Monday). Unfortunately, the conditions did not improve today. We will reevaluate and make a decision for tomorrow's routes. Thank you
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Tuesday, February 12 Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys play @ Wellsville. Please note the girls game is a 5:00 start.
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
game time
We Are Silex
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Please take a moment and make sure your contact information is correct in SISK12 and download the Silex App!
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Alert - Silex R-1 will run snow routes this morning. We plan to run normal bus routes this afternoon. We will advise if something changes. Thank you.
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Snow route
The Benefits of Reading with Your Child
about 6 years ago, Silex Schools