Welcome Back!
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Mark Your Calendar
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
blood drive
Don't forget the Back to School Barbecue tonight! Hope to see you there!
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Back to School
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Back to School Barbecue is Wednesday, Aug. 15 5:00-7:00. PTO, Booster Club, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Crider Center, Youth In Need and several other groups and agencies will be set up to provide information. Please stop by and visit. The Mandatory Athletic Meeting is at 6:30. See You There! #welcomeback
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Back to School Barbecue is Wednesday, Aug. 15 5:00-7:00. PTO, Booster Club, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Crider Center, Youth In Need and other groups and agencies will be set up to provide information. Please stop by and visit with our groups. The Mandatory Athletic Meeting is at 6:30. See You There! #welcomeback
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Welcome to our new teachers!!! Left to right: Robert Keen - MS Science, Sean Nanney- High School Science, Angela Browning - 1st Grade, Kayla Norton - Librarian, Sabrina O’Heron - Health and PE, Andrea McDonald -Kindergarten, Kim Robinson - FACS and PLTW.
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Back to School Barbecue is Wednesday, Aug. 15 5:00-7:00. PTO, Booster Club, Crider Center, Youth In Need and other groups and agencies will be set up to provide information. The Mandatory Athletic Meeting is at 6:30. See You There! #welcomeback
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Schedules for new and returning students grades 6-12 will be passed out today from 1:00-5:30. Students need to be accompanied by a parent to complete required forms. Thank you
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
pick up
Cheerleading Rummage Sale is going on now until 2:00. Fill up a bag for $5! Tons of bargains! #supporttheowls
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Silex Elementary is excited to announce the we have hired Mrs. Andrea McDonald to teach Kindergarten with Mrs. Kinion. The class lists for each room are posted on the elementary doors. We look forward to seeing you at Back to School BBQ on Wednesday.
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Attention Silex Shoppers - Don’t forget the Cheerleading Rummage Sale Today
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Let there Be Lights!! A view of the new softball field at night. #GoLadyOwls
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Cross Country - No practice tomorrow, Fri. Aug. 10th. The next practice is Monday, Aug. 13th at 8:30 am. The 7th & 8th graders CAN practice as long as they have their physicals and ins. cards. From Tuesday Aug. 14th on practice will begin at 3:15.
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
PLTC first day of classes is August 21. Open house for PLTC is Thursday, August 16 from 3:30 - 6:00 pm. Come out and meet your instructors.
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Bargains Bargains Bargains! Don't miss the cheerleaders rummage sale tomorrow and Saturday. Doors open at 7:00 am. Silex Old Gym. Spread the word.
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
rummage sale
Rummage Sale Friday and Saturday. Tons of bargains and help out the cheerleaders. Tell Your Friends!!!
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Schedules for new and returning students grades 6-12 will be passed out Monday, Aug. 13 from 1:00-5:30. Students need to be accompanied by a parent to complete required forms. Thank you
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Class Schedule Pick Up
Silex Student Council swim party and meeting tomorrow from 5-7 at Mueller's. Pizza and drinks provided.
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools
Softball Jamboree Monday, August 20
over 6 years ago, Silex Schools