Hog Raffle
M.A.P. Prep for grades 3-5
Chili Dinner!!!
Thank you to all our Pink Out sponsors!!! We hope eveyone can make it Thursday and Friday!
February 6, 2017
One last call juniors please turn your raffle tickets and money into the office.
Travel releases are due today for District Leadership Conference for FBLA .
A+ , CYV and Flex students need to turn your logs in today.
Seniors there are new scholarships available in the Counselor’s office stop by and see Ms. Kuntz.
Spring Sports practice can begin on Feb. 27th, 2017. Students who have not turned in a physical for this year will need to have on file before they can practice. Any physicals dated on or after February 1, 2016 are valid for this entire school year. Students will also need a copy of their current insurance card and an emergency contact form filled out prior to practicing. Participants must have attended 14 practices before they are allowed to participate in contest.
PLTC Prospective Student Night
Reminder NO elementary basketball Saturday. Next game is February 11.
Join Us Tomorrow Night
Sophomore Chicken Dinner Friday Night in conjunction with Homecoming activities and the 10 Year State Championship Softball Reunion!
Mrs. Miller's Art classes are now on Instagram!
Follow the Silex Art Room @ silexart
Homecoming Week - Friday is Spirt Day. Wear Your Green!!!
February 2, 2017
Juniors please turn your After Prom raffle tickets and money into the office by tomorrow.
Homecoming dance application need to be turn in ASAP.
We are in the countdown to District Leadership Conference for FBLA. Pick up a travel release form, if you do not already have one, and return your permission slip to Mrs. Wells no later than Monday, February 6th.
A+, CYV, and Flex students if your January logs are due by tomorrow.
Seniors there are new scholarships available in the Counselor’s office stop by and see Ms. Kuntz.
Students planning on attending the dance on Saturday the doors open at 6:45 and will close at 7:30, the dance will end at 10:00. Be sure you have a ride here at that time.
Middle school students the dance is in the band room so you need to enter through the front doors of the high school. No admission.
High school students dance is in the old gym and you need to enter through the elementary doors. Admission is 3.00 for single and 5.00 for a couple
Pep rally tomorrow 8th hour. Middle and high school students will be released by intercom.
Mini Cheer Camp Saturday
Senior Elly Boothe (right) and junior Rianna Rice (left) stand by their artwork at the EMO Art Show hosted by Clopton High School. Two art students from each participating school are chosen to display their work at the EMO All-District Band concert. This is Elly's first showing at and EMO art show and Riann'a second. Congratulations, ladies!
Evening Artist for Kids!!!
Chicken Dinner
Last Call for Bleacher Seat Orders ...
Junior Parents - Don't forget the After Prom meeting tonight at 6:00 in the FACS room.
Kids Night