Look what Mrs. Vehige just pre ordered for next school year! Book 11 out November 1st!! =)
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations Chase Groshong! Chase was honored today as a 2015-2106 KMOX Student of Achievement. Chase also received a scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
April Citizenship Award Winners
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
April Citizenship Award Winners
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
April Behavior Award Winners
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
April Academic Award Winners
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Thank you to Brown's Processing donating swine stomachs for Mrs. Henke's Advanced Biology's study of the digestive system. Students tried to blow up stomachs with pop rocks and diet coke. Although they did pop and expand, they did not have an explosion. Better luck next year.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Mrs. Henke's Biology class tested the effect of different fertilizers on tulip growth by planting tulips in the front of the high school.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Baseball vs North Callaway tonight at 5:00
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Don't miss the FFA Plant Sale!!!
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Thursday, April 28 State Solo and Ensemble Contest Starts at 4:30pm JV Track Wright City Starts at 5:00pm Baseball vs North Callaway Silex Ball Field
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Golf and Soccer have both been cancelled for today, April 27.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Bulletin Wednesday April 27 2016 If you have your money for FCA night at the ballpark please bring your money to Ms. Jansen’s room now. The cost is $35. Lincoln County Fair Queen applications are available. Check your school gmail for more information. Band and Choir students who are attending the Six flags music festival need to turn in ticket money ASAP.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Baseball and Soccer Practice have been cancelled for today.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Wednesday, April 27 Administrative Professionals Day Thank You for All You Do! Area V FFA Officer Interviews Starts at 3:30pm Golf @ Sun Valley Starts at 4:00pm Soccer vs Canton Elsberry High School Starts at 6:30pm Golf Tourney Meeting
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Baseball, Golf and Track have all been cancelled for today.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Tuesday, April 26 FBLA State Leadership Conference Springfield, MO JV Track Orchard Farm Starts at 3:30pm Golf @ Troy Starts at 5:00pm Baseball @ Van Far
almost 9 years ago, Amy Grote
Golf match has been rescheduled for April 27th at Sun Valley at 3:30.
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
Wednesday, April 6 NE District FFA CDE Bus leaves at 6:30am 3:00pm MAP Training 3:30pm Golf @ Wright City
almost 9 years ago, Silex Schools
That's a Winner!!! Owls win 12-1 in the bottom of the 5th. The Owls improve their record to 7-0. Way to go boys!!!!
almost 9 years ago, Amy Grote