Activities for Thursday, February 16, 2023: Kids Care Club Donut Sale, 7:30 a.m.; JV/V girls basketball @Elsberry, 5:30 p.m.
Activities for Tuesday, February 14, 2023: Happy Valentine's Day! Elementary Valentine's Day parties, 2:50 p.m.; Varsity girls & boys basketball @Wellsville, 5:30 p.m.
Activities for Monday, February 13, 2023: No school; FBLA District Contests @Montgomery County High School, 7 a.m.; Varsity boys basketball @South Callaway, 5:30 p.m.
Activities for Saturday, February 11, 2023: EMO Conference Speech Competition, 9 a.m. @Montgomery County High School.
Activities for Friday, February 10, 2023: FBLA Week, wear red, white & blue; Football Friday, wear your favorite Super Bowl team apparel; 5th Grade S.T.A.R.T. Graduation, 2:30 p.m. in the cafeteria; JV/V girls basketball @Canton, 6 p.m.; Silex Youth Basketball, 6-9 p.m.
The FBLA Friday Cafe will be closed February 10, 2023.
Activities for Thursday, February 9, 2023: FBLA Week, wear PJ's or comfy clothes; NHS Tap Day.
Activities for Wednesday, February 8, 2023: FBLA Week, Dress for Success, wear professional attire; FFA Area State Degree/Proficiency Award Selection; After Prom Junior Parent meeting, 5:30 p.m.; Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
Silex Band/Choir students: Little Caesar fundraiser forms & money are due tomorrow, Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Thank you to everyone who has supported our fundraiser!
Activities for Tuesday, February 7, 2023: FBLA Week, Trendy Tuesday, wear your favorite brand; FBLA Ice Cream Social, 4 p.m.; Quiz Bowl @Elsberry, 4:30 p.m.
Activities for Monday, February 6, 2023: No school, Teacher In-Service; FFA Ski Trip.
Activities for Saturday, February 4, 2023: Varsity girls & boys basketball @Marion County, 1:00 p.m.
Activities for Friday, February 3, 2023: FBLA Friday Cafe; 3rd Quarter Midterm; JV/Varsity boys basketball @Silex vs. Wright City, 6 p.m. JV will be playing 2 quarters.
Come on out tonight to cheer on the Lady Owls at their last home game of the season vs. Wright City. JV game starts at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Varsity. The Mini Cheerleaders will be performing & a Silent Dessert Auction will be taking place in the Commons area. It's going to be a fun night!
The February 13th basketball game at South Callaway will be Varsity boys only & will start at 5:30 p.m.
Activities for Thursday, February 2, 2023: NHS applications due; Voter registration for students; JV/V girls basketball @Silex vs. Wright City, 6 p.m.; Mini Cheerleaders performance during halftime of JV game; Cheerleading Dessert Auction.
Pre-K through 5th grade Elementary Yearbooks can be purchased at
Activities for Wednesday, February 1, 2023: PTO meeting, 4:10 p.m.; FFA Ag Academy applications due; Elementary Yearbook online sale.
Tonight's basketball schedule @Bowling Green: Varsity girls in the HS gym, 5:30 p.m.; JV boys (2 quarters) in the MS gym, 5:30 p.m.; JV girls in the MS gym, 7 p.m.; Varsity boys in the HS gym, 7 p.m.
Activities for Tuesday, January 31, 2023: Elementary ABC Assembly & Homework Club; JV/V girls/boys basketball @Bowling Green, 5:30 p.m.