Owls come in 2nd at Vandalia shooting a season low 199. Low for the Owls was Kelan Kinion with a 44!
Activities for Friday, April 2, 2021: No school, Easter Break.
Activities for Thursday, April 1, 2021: Golf @Van-Far, 4 p.m.; MS Track @Winfield, 4 p.m.; Baseball @Community, 5 p.m.; NHS applications due; PTO Easter Egg Hunt for Pre-K-2nd grade.
The Owls tied Clopton for 1st at Elsberry on Tuesday, but lose in scorecard playoff. Owls are led by Carter Johnston, sophomore, with a 44.
Activities for Wednesday, March 31, 2021: FFA District CDE's; Baseball @Silex vs. Hermann; Elementary ABC Awards/Homework Club.
Scholarship Information
Activities for Tuesday, March 30, 2021: Golf @Elsberry, 4 p.m.; HS Track @North Callaway, 4 p.m.; ACT Test; Jostens delivery for Seniors.
Activities for Monday, March 29, 2021: Soccer @Elsberry vs. Canton, 4:15 p.m.; Baseball @Silex vs. Montgomery County, 5:00 p.m.
Activities for Friday, March 26, 2021: No school, Spring Break; MS Track meet at Montgomery, 4:15 p.m.; Soccer @Elsberry vs. Winfield, 4:15 p.m.
The Baseball game scheduled for tonight at Clopton is canceled.
The High School track meet for today at Bowling Green has been canceled due to incoming weather.
Congratulations to our Golf team with a 2nd place finish in their first match of the year! Carter Johnston, sophomore, lead the Owls shooting a 41.
Activities for Thursday, March 25, 2021: No School, Spring Break; Baseball @Clopton, 5:00 p.m.; HS Track @Bowling Green, 4:00 p.m.
Activities for Wednesday, March 24, 2021: No School, Spring Break; Golf @Woods Fort, 4 p.m.; Soccer @Elsberry vs. Principia, 4:15 p.m.
The baseball game scheduled at Silex for Friday, April 2nd vs. Hermann, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 31st at 5:00 p.m.
Golf is canceled for today, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. It is rescheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24th at 4:00 p.m. at Woods Fort.
Activities for Tuesday, March 23, 2021: No school - Spring Break; FFA NE Dist. Pre-Qualifier; Golf @Woods Fort, 4:00 p.m.; HS Track @Montgomery County, 4:00 p.m.
Good luck to our Owls Baseball team as they take on Louisiana tonight at 5:00 p.m for our Home Opener!
Activities for Monday, March 22, 2021: Spring Break, No school; Baseball @Silex vs. Louisiana, 5 p.m.; FFA NE District LDE's.
Spring Break!