Tonight is the Night. Family Reading Fun Night is at 6:00. 📚🏴‍☠️📚
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Mrs. Watson’s students created Black Out Poetry with the short story “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” that they read.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Tuesday is Reading Fun Night from 6-7:30. Prizes, snacks, crafts and the BOOK FAIR! Join Us!!! Do not miss out on the fun!!!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Reading Week kicked off with Hat Day and a Pirate Reading by Mrs. McDonald. Tomorrow is Wear Bright Colors. Don’t forget to bring the family out for Reading Night on Tuesday at 6:00.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
8th Grade Parents - Do not forget laundry soap pick up is tonight from 5:00-6:00.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
The PTO Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 9 has been cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Monday is Going to Be a Great Day!!! Reading Week and the Book Fair Kick Off. Do Not Forget to Wear a Hat and Visit the Book Fair!!!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Here’s a Throw Back picture, but don’t miss this year’s Disney Concert on Wednesday at 5:30 in the high school gym.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Don’t Forget to Spring Forward!!!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Don’t miss out on Reading Fun Night. You’ll ‘Treasure’ the Experience.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
MAP Prep Tutoring
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations to Mrs. Capstick's third grade class for winning the Silex R-1 Spring Book Fair Spare Change Drive! After all the money was counted, Mrs. McDonald's kindergarten class was only .42 ¢ behind, so both classes will celebrate with an ice cream party! As a school we raised over $970 to buy books. Scholastic will match our donations and give back to multiple literacy charities. Don't forget the Spring Book Fair is next week! The fair will be open until 7:30 PM on Family Reading Fun Night! There is also a chance to win a $25 book fair gift certificate if you purchase a book for one of our classrooms!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Elementary Reading Week Kicks Off Monday. Wear Your Hat!!!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Silex R-1 School District is excited to announce Mrs. Gina Harris as the new principal of Silex Elementary. Mrs. Harris will take over for the 2020-2021 school year. She is not a stranger to the district. Mrs. Harris graduated from Silex High School in 1996.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
The Ice Cream Truck is coming Tuesday, March 24. The truck will be at the elementary from 11:30-12:45 and at the high school from 12:45-2:00. Elementary students please bring students in an envelope labeled Ice Cream Money.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Ice Cream
Congratulations to the 2020 Silex High School Prom Court: (top left) Trey Mudd, Brecken Johnston, Justin Havlik, and Tommy Grote. (Bottom left) Rachel Klein, Kylee Williams, Felicity Stokes, and Chloee Kinion.
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Family Reading Night is Tuesday, March 10. Don't miss the fun!!!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Owl Baseball T's For Sale
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations to Emily Morris!!! Emily won First Place in the Lincoln County Family and Community Education essay contest. Emily is the daughter of Timothy and Austina Morris. Way to Go Emily!!!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations Lexi Plackemeier!!! Lexi was named to the Class 2 District 5 All District Basketball Team. Lexi is the daughter of Steve and Suzie Plackemeier. Way to Go Lexi!
about 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Class 2