Don't forget ... Next Tuesday is Family Reading Night. Join the Fun!!! Something for everyone. Attendance Prizes!!!

Congratulations to Lexi Plackemeier for being named to the EMO All Conference First Team and Tommy Grote for being named to the All Conference Second Team for basketball. Congratulations Lexi and Tommy!!!

Silex Baseball Team Store closes on Tuesday at midnight. Anyone can order.

Kindergarten and Preschool Registration Tuesday from 12:00-4:00 and Thursday from 12:00-7:00 in the elementary office. Refer to the website for required documents. Please spread the word. Thank you!

February Citizenship Award Winners

February Behavior Award Winners

February Academic Award Winners

he Silex R-1 Spring Book Fair is fast approaching! From March 9th to 12th, help our teachers get new books for their classrooms! Any student/parent that purchases a book out of the tubs to donate to a classroom will be entered to win a $25 gift certificate to spend at the book fair on Friday, March 13th! Also do not forget the change drive this week (March 2-6). We appreciate your continued support!

FBLA Butter Braids will be delivered on Wednesday, March 4. Orders can be picked up in the HS Commons.


Do not miss Reading Fun Night on March 10 from 6:00-7:30. Fun Activities, Snacks, Book Fair!!!

Kindergarten and Preschool Registration is Next Week!!!


Snow Day Information Update
Great News!!! As of February 28, 2020, Silex R-1 does not have to make up any snow days at this time. Enough hours were built into the calendar to compensate for the days missed thus far. However, please be advised if any additional hours or days are missed, we may be required to adjust the school calendar. Thank you.

Owls Pals Delivery Day - Shout out to
Jeffrey and Brandelyn Twellman
River Oaks Church
Thanks for your generous donations this week.

It is a Great Day to Be a Silex Owl and an even better day to be a Silex FFA Member. Today we celebrate Drive Your Tractor to School Day and Food for America Day. #nationalffaweek #silexffa #greatdaytobeanowl

Spring sports practices begin on Monday. Please remember athletes need a valid physical and proof of insurance.

It is National FFA Week and we salute all our fine members. #nationalffaweek #silexffa

Once again, we will be offering MAP Tutoring for all our students in grades 3-5. Forms will be coming home with your child. This is an excellent opportunity to get in some extra review before MAP Testing.

In honor of FFA Week, officers delivered ‘room service’ to all of the teachers. #nationalffaweek #silexffa