November Behavior Award Winners

November Academic Award Winners

LOCATION CHANGE - North County Christian is without power in their gymnasium. We will play at 6:30 at St. Louis Christian College 1360 Grandview Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. There will be an admission but no concession stand.

Mark Twain JH Brackets

Don't forget to order your 2019 Homecoming Shirt. There Is No Place Like Silex

Elementary Students: Tuesday, December 3 is Giving Day. Consider donating toward Owls Pals

Student Council Owls Pals Drive

Student Council Candy Cane Grams

Thanksgiving Break Information

Due to low numbers, the JV Boys and Varsity Girls games with North County Christian have been canceled. The Varsity Boys game will be played starting at 6:30 pm.

Elementary Giving Day
Tuesday, December 3

Please note there will be three JH games tonight. The order is 7th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys. Games begin at 5:00. #goowls

School will be in session a full day on Tuesday. There is no school Wednesday - Friday for Thanksgiving Break. See everyone back at school on Monday, December 2. Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

Montgomery County Tournament Brackets

It is SAFE B-I-N-G-O Day!!! Doors open at 2:30. We hope to see you there!!!

Friday Night Basketball 🏀 Update
JV Boys 21 - MMA 30
Varsity Boys 36 - MMA 45

Congratulations to Blake Thoroughman! Blake was named to the All Region Soccer team for Silex/Elsberry. He is the son of Tim and Stephanie Thoroughman. Way to go Blake!

SAFE BINGO tomorrow at 3:00. Doors open at 2:30. Fun for all!!!

Owls Pals Delivery Day
Thank you to our generous supporters this month!
Maddy and Wyatt Demitroff
Carmen Watson
Silex Assembly of God

There's No Place Like Silex 2019 Homecoming Shirts for Sale. Orders due by Wednesday, December 4th.