SAFE B-I-N-G-O Saturday at 3:00. Doors Open at 2:30. Fabulous Prizes and FOOD!!!
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Countdown is on for BINGO!!!!
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
JH games tonight at Montgomery County will be played in the High School gym. Game times remain 5:30 and 7:00.
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Elementary Students: Feel free to bring in your deer pictures for the Oh Deer Wall. 🦌
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
JH Mark Twain Tournament Brackets
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
FBLA Service Project Week: Grades 6-12 Pay $1 and Wear a Hat on Tuesday
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
All ages are welcome at SAFE’s 8th annual Family BINGO Night This Saturday at 3 pm in the Old Gym. There are lots of prizes to be won, including best dressed for the Denim and Diamonds theme.
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Christmas Concert Information
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Silex FBLA Service Project Week
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
SAFE BINGO is this Saturday!!!!
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
***Make Up Meeting*** Mrs. McDonald is excited to announce that all Spanish students are invited to go on a trip of a lifetime! Please join her to find out about this amazing opportunity at the parent meeting Monday, November 18 at 6:30 in Mrs. McDonald’s room.
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
The junior high girls lose a tough one in the championship game to Winfield to take home 2nd place in the Elsberry tournament. Great week of play, ladies!!!
over 5 years ago, SILEX SCHOOLS
Junior High girls trail Winfield in the championship game of the Elsberry tournament 14-9. Go Owls!!!
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Silex Owls State Cheer Competition is today at Lindenwood Univerisity in Hyland Arena. Silex Cheer competes at 3:24 p.m. during the second session. Doors to the event open at 2:30 p.m. Admission is $10. Good Luck! #goowlsgo
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
***Make Up Meeting*** Mrs. McDonald is excited to announce that all Spanish students are invited to go on a trip of a lifetime! Please join her to find out about this amazing opportunity at the parent meeting Monday, November 18 at 6:30 in Mrs. McDonald’s room.
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Next Wednesday night is Jamboree night. The girls play at home and the boys play at Wright City. Schedules are attached.
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Congratulations to Blake Thoroughman!!! Blake was named BEST TEAMMATE by Coach Jason Burbridge for the Elsberry/Silex Soccer Team this season. Blake is a sophomore and the son of Tim and Stephanie Thoroughman. Way to Go Blake!!!
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Mrs. McDonald is excited to announce that all Spanish students are invited to go on a trip of a lifetime! Please join her to find out about this amazing opportunity at the parent meeting this Thursday, November 14th at 6:30 in Mrs. McDonald’s room.
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools
Updated Elsberry MS Tournament Bracket. (The first two times on Saturday should say a.m. instead of p.m.)
over 5 years ago, Silex Schools