SAFE B-I-N-G-O Saturday at 3:00. Doors Open at 2:30. Fabulous Prizes and FOOD!!!

Countdown is on for BINGO!!!!

JH games tonight at Montgomery County will be played in the High School gym. Game times remain 5:30 and 7:00.


Elementary Students: Feel free to bring in your deer pictures for the Oh Deer Wall. 🦌

JH Mark Twain Tournament Brackets

FBLA Service Project Week: Grades 6-12 Pay $1 and Wear a Hat on Tuesday

All ages are welcome at SAFE’s 8th annual Family BINGO Night This Saturday at 3 pm in the Old Gym. There are lots of prizes to be won, including best dressed for the Denim and Diamonds theme.

Christmas Concert Information

Silex FBLA Service Project Week

SAFE BINGO is this Saturday!!!!

***Make Up Meeting*** Mrs. McDonald is excited to announce that all Spanish students are invited to go on a trip of a lifetime! Please join her to find out about this amazing opportunity at the parent meeting Monday, November 18 at 6:30 in Mrs. McDonald’s room.

The junior high girls lose a tough one in the championship game to Winfield to take home 2nd place in the Elsberry tournament. Great week of play, ladies!!!

Junior High girls trail Winfield in the championship game of the Elsberry tournament 14-9. Go Owls!!!

Silex Owls State Cheer Competition is today at Lindenwood Univerisity in Hyland Arena. Silex Cheer competes at 3:24 p.m. during the second session. Doors to the event open at 2:30 p.m. Admission is $10.
Good Luck! #goowlsgo

***Make Up Meeting*** Mrs. McDonald is excited to announce that all Spanish students are invited to go on a trip of a lifetime! Please join her to find out about this amazing opportunity at the parent meeting Monday, November 18 at 6:30 in Mrs. McDonald’s room.

Next Wednesday night is Jamboree night. The girls play at home and the boys play at Wright City. Schedules are attached.

Congratulations to Blake Thoroughman!!!
Blake was named BEST TEAMMATE by Coach Jason Burbridge for the Elsberry/Silex Soccer Team this season. Blake is a sophomore and the son of Tim and Stephanie Thoroughman. Way to Go Blake!!!

Mrs. McDonald is excited to announce that all Spanish students are invited to go on a trip of a lifetime! Please join her to find out about this amazing opportunity at the parent meeting this Thursday, November 14th at 6:30 in Mrs. McDonald’s room.

Updated Elsberry MS Tournament Bracket. (The first two times on Saturday should say a.m. instead of p.m.)