Tomorrow is the last day to visit the Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair will remain open until 4:00 PM. Thank you to everyone who has already helped to make this a successful fair!

Tomorrow is the last day to visit the Scholastic Book Fair! Mrs. Norton will be gone in the morning but will return to school around lunch time. After she returns, the book fair will remain open until 4:00 PM. Thank you to everyone who has already helped to make this a successful fair!

Time is running out to order PTO Spirit Wear!!!

It’s that time of year again! The Silex Music Department will be raffling off this Joh Deere cornhole set at the Silex Fall Festival on October 5th! Chances are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. See a music student or Mrs. Burkemper for tickets! Thank You! And thank you Chris Burkemper for making this beautiful set!

Senior Portrait Time

Order Your State Champion Trap Shirt Today!!!

It's Picture Day!!! Don't forget your uniform for Fall Sports. Seniors - Don't forget you are getting your Senior Portrait taken.

Tomorrow is picture day!!! This includes Pre K -12, Senior Portraits, Fall Sports and Trap Team. Don't forget your uniforms and your smiles.

Elsberry JH Tournament
Saturday, September 21
Pool Play #2 Softball field
Elsberry vs Silex 8:00 am
Silex vs Montgomery County 11:00 am
Championship Bracket is as such:
#1 vs #4 Softball field at 2pm .
#2 vs #3 baseball field at 2pm
Winner of #1/4 match-up plays Winner of #2/3 match-up at 3:30 on the Softball field.
Loser of #1/4 match-up plays Loser of #2/3 match-up at 3:30 on the baseball field.

Silex FBLA had an awesome night at the ball park.

The Book Fair Opens Tomorrow!!!

JH Lady Owls claim 1st place in the Silex Tournament!! Way to go Owls!

The JH Lady Owls are playing in the Championship. Good Luck JH Owls!!! 🥎🦉🥎

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Fall Book Fair Spare Change Drive! We brought in over $1,100 to buy new books for our school, and Scholastic will be matching our donation to help literacy charities around the word! Mrs. Tarantino's 5th grade class raised the most money and have earned an ice cream party! Don't forget the Book Fair is next week!

Baseball Information
Saturday, September 14
9:30- Cairo vs LaPlata
11:30- LaPlata vs Silex
1:30- Cairo vs Silex

Elsberry Varsity Softball Tournament
Saturday, September 14
Silex vs Clopton 10:30 a.m.

Silex Junior High Tournament
Saturday, September 14
JH vs Elsberry @ 9:00 a.m.

JH Softball 5-4 win over Community!!! Great job girls!!! 🥎🦉🥎

It’s Game Time!!!

High School Softball Update: We received word from Louisiana. They do not have enough players for a JV game tonight, so varsity only. #LetsGoLadyOwls