Pink Out T-shirt Orders are Due Friday, January 27. If you wear your T-shirt to either Pink Out game on February 9th or 10th, you will be admitted to the game for FREE!
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Bulletin January 25,2017 Juniors please turn your After Prom raffle tickets and money into the office by Feb. 3rd. Students whoare planning on bringing a guest to the Homecoming dance don’t forget to get a dance guest application. Detentions are changing. Times to serve detentions with the office will now be Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 until 4:00 OR THURSDAY MORNINGS from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. We are not hosting detentions on Friday any longer, effective immediately. Attention Students: Do you wish you could get just a little extra help with your classes? Would you like to receive private tutoring? We are offering after-school tutoring from several of our school's finest teachers in all core subject areas. Sessions are voluntary on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Carnahan, Miss Swan, Mr. Bair, Mr. Conner, Mrs. Henke, or Mrs. Watson to reserve your spot. This is a great opportunity for every Middle School and High School student who wants to be successful this school year. Tell your parents so you can make arrangements to stay! Pink Out shirts are on sale. Order forms can be picked up in the office. Forms and money are due Friday, January 27. If you wear the t-shirt to the game on Thursday and/or Friday you get in free. Homecoming hallway decorating starts this Wednesday and goes every night until next Tuesday, January 31st. Decorating needs to be done by 6:00 on Tuesday. Homecoming class sheets are due Wednesday, February 1st by 4:00.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Make sure you Show Your Silex Pride!!!
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Mini Cheer Camp is Saturday, February 4 from 9:00 - 12:00. Can't wait to see everyone there!
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
February Events
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
State Championship Softball Reunion
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Don't Forget Your Pink Out Shirts Free Admission to the Pink Out Games if you are wearing a Pink Out Shirt.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Deadline to Order Pink Out Shirts is Friday. Wear your shirt and get in the Pink Out games free!!!
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Sponsors - Time is Running Out. If you wish to be a sponsor, please let Student Council know. Thank you.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Bleacher Seats
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Bulletin January 24,2017 Pink Out shirts are on sale. Order forms can be picked up in the office. Forms and money are due Friday, January 27. If you wear the t-shirt to the game on Thursday and/or Friday you get in free. Homecoming hallway decorating starts this Wednesday and goes every night until next Tuesday, January 31st. Decorating needs to be done by 6:00 on Tuesday. Homecoming class sheets are due Wednesday, February 1st by 4:00.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
February Menu
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Silex Owls Bleacher Seats For Sale
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Mini-Cheer Clinic
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Sponsors Needed
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Softball State Champs
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Bulletin January 23,2017 Pink Out shirts are on sale. Order forms can be picked up in the office. Forms and money are due Friday, January 27. If you wear the t-shirt to the game on Thursday and/or Friday you get in free. Homecoming hallway decorating starts this Wednesday and goes every night until next Tuesday, January 31st. Decorating needs to be done by 6:00 on Tuesday. Homecoming class sheets are due Wednesday, February 1st by 4:00.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Quiz Bowl for January 24 @ Van Far has been cancelled.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Missing Items??? Please check the Lost and Found.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools
Bulletin January 20,2017 High school boys basketball tonight at Barat 5:00 pm Pink Out shirts are on sale. Order forms can be picked up in the office. Forms and money are due Friday, January 27.
almost 8 years ago, Silex Schools