HoCo Week
HoCo Dances
You can now watch all middle school and high school HOME basketball games for FREE on Hudl. Click https://fan.hudl.com/.../organiz.../129846/Silex-High-School to view. You can also download the Hudl Fan app. Special thanks to Silex Booster Club for helping sponsor this so our fans are able to watch from home or on the road for FREE!
Inclement Weather Info.
HS Basketball Info.
Remind Codes
Sports Calendars
NEW PHYSICAL FORMS  Sports physical evaluations are required every two years in order to be eligible to participate.   If you are needing a physical, new forms must be filled out. All 4 pages must be filled out by your physician, but only the last page (MSHSAA Medical Eligibility Form - Step 3) must be turned into Athletic Director, Robert James.  If you have a physical on file from last year and it is good for another year, you do not need to do anything. If you have a physical that has expired or needing a new one, you must fill out the new forms.  Please be sure to obtain a physical and fill out the "blue tryout card" prior to the first day of spring sports practice, which is February 27, 2023.  Click https://5il.co/1uwjd to print out the form.
Silex Owls Apparel
School Menus
The Silex NHS Owls Care program could use your help. Owls Care provides any Silex student with personal hygiene products. Owls Care items will be available every day, starting with back to school night on August 17th. The following wish list are the items needed to refill the supply center. If you would like to donate in a different way, please email Heather Miller at hmiller@silex.k12.Mo.us  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wish...  Thank you for your support!!
Silex R-1 offers this FREE program to qualifying families who reside in the school district and have children between prenatal and kindergarten entry. Our PAT program will provide your family with the components listed below. If you or someone you know are interested in the program and would like more information, please give us a call @ 573-384-5227 or email PAT@silex.k12.mo.us .